Wellbeing for organisations

Supporting and caring for you means a stronger team and organisation which ultimately means we hold and support the clients we work with better.

One-to-one reflective practice

We support professionals in understanding their personal processes and triggers. We also believe that your personal life can impact your professional work and vice-verse.

Group reflective practice

Working well as a team is fundamental to supporting our clients.

Group reflective practice provides a safe and holding container for teams to process their day to day work collectively.

The space allows teams to build a truly transparent and supportive way of working collectively and allows voices to be heard and conflicts to be worked through by experienced facilitators with a non-judgement and objective perspective.

Psychological thinking around the child

We view challenging behaviour in the context of emotional hurt.

Children and young people that have experienced significant trauma often feel challenged day to day and therefore can present with difficulties.

We deliver workshops specifically for individuals or teams to think psychologically and clinically around the child’s behaviour, ways of relating to self and others, the dynamic and projections that may be being played out and ways of skilling the team into thinking therapeutically around the child.