Grant-funded work

We’re passionate about making therapy accessible to those who can’t afford it.

We’re also very aware of a gap in services for young people after care, or over the age of 16 who don’t have parental support.

Many of these young people have experienced significant trauma which has impacted their mental health, leading them to suffer from issues such as anxiety, depression, violent outbursts, self-harm and suicidal idealisation.

We also work with children and families who can’t afford therapy and don’t reach the threshold for support from other services.

We offer counselling, psychotherapy and alternative creative therapies to make therapeutic intervention accessible to the most-hard to reach – providing the opportunity for children and young people to:

  • explore their histories
  • gain a greater understanding of themselves
  • become better able to manage their emotions
  • build greater resilience
  • lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Grant funded spaces are only available when we have charitable funds available.