Safeguarding at NAOS

Our safeguarding promise.

Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do – it’s how we protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm.

We also have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people– that means protecting and keeping them safe from abuse, as well as identifying and stopping abuse that might already be happening. We share this responsibility with all parents, staff, and other agencies.

We are not a statutory organisation – the police, children’s social care and the NSPCC are the only agencies with statutory powers – but all our members have an obligation and responsibility to protect and safeguard the children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom we work.

How we safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults

NAOS uses information in order to:

  • We have a safeguarding policy and procedures which guide our safeguarding promise, drive our ethos and values, as well as setting out clear procedures.
  • All our members are also given guidance with their work and we have clear pathways for taking robust action, when required.
  • A Director with safeguarding responsibilities is always on duty during our working hours.
  • When we recruit members we follow safer recruitment processes.
  • All our staff members complete mandatory safeguarding at induction, and all members who work directly with children and vulnerable young people receive regular robust training.


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